
A New Addition for Your New Addition

Clean air through lullabies and
late-night cries.

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What makes these great…

In creating the optimal breathing conditions for your baby, we recommend an air purifier with both a True HEPA Filter and a Carbon Filter. True HEPA Filtration works in protecting your baby by capturing 99.97% – 99.99% of airborne allergens and particles as small as 0.003 microns in size. Our Carbon Filtration works by reducing the presence of harmful VOCs and odors present in the nursery.

What Our Customers are Saying

We breathe easier knowing it’s improving our air quality and removing harmful air pollutants where our sweet boy spends so much time.

Between my severe seasonal allergies and having a new baby in the house, we finally decided to get an air purifier, and I can’t believe we didn’t get one sooner!!!

The best air purifier for my little family

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