Winix Air Purifiers Featured on TODAY as a Classroom Essential

Studies show that the average American student spends roughly 180 days of the year inside of a classroom environment. With nearly half of your child’s year spent at school, it’s essential to consider the air quality our children are breathing. According to TODAY, Winix is an offered solution to your child’s classroom air quality needs during this unprecedented time.

As our global journey through Coronavirus continues, preventive measures such as wearing masks, social distancing, and proper air ventilation still remain as effective ways to guard yourself and loved ones against transmission. In discussing classroom settings, TODAY states, “In a room with poor ventilation, enough droplets from a sneeze could linger in a cloud of particles even five minutes afterwards. However, with a ventilation system, the particles thin out quickly and within a minute, a majority of them are sucked up into the air intake vents in the ceiling, with some blown back down.”

While air purifiers in the classroom have not usually been common, this year has brought about implementing new measures to protect ourselves and children to the furthest degree we know how. Rainald Lohner, who runs the Center for Computational Fluid Dynamics at George Mason University, states that “The probability of infection increases with the time that particles remain in the room and it also increases with the number of particles that you inhale. Ventilation is very important.” While taking measures in classroom social distancing is essential, the levels of the rooms air quality is just as important. According to the EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency), one effective strategy for maintaining healthy indoor environments in schools is having proper filtration strategies in place.

The informative TODAY video showcasing WINIX continues to stress the importance of not only having an air purifier within the classroom, but what specifically to look for in your air purifier search. In using the WINIX 6300-2 model as an example, NBC News investigative and consumer correspondent Vicky Nguyen stressed that you make sure what size room the air cleaner is designed to accommodate and you also ensure it has a certified room air cleaning rate, with higher numbers being better. You should also check to see that it has a high-efficiency filter, or HEPA.

As providing a safer environment for all continues to be a top priority at Winix, we can proudly state that our entire air purifier line-up checks every box mentioned by TODAY. Every Winix air purifier carries the ever important True HEPA filtration system as well as a CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate) certification. Winix provides an effective air quality solution for a range of room sizes, ensuring a safer learning space for your child and others.