Back to School with WINIX

As we all know, it’s back to school time! However, this years hustle and bustle of preparing for school comes with new challenges; for teachers, parents, and students. We’ve all been told the precautions to take, such as sanitizing, washing hands, keeping a safe distance, wearing masks and more. What could we have not considered? The air quality around our children, school staff, and those participating in distance learning.


According to the United States Environmental Protection agency (EPA), filtration can be part of a plan to protect people indoors. They state, “Consider using portable air cleaners to supplement increased HVAC system ventilation and filtration.” Air purifier units benefit both the in-school and home environment by adding an additional aid in the fight against infectious airborne illnesses.


In addition to fighting against illness, the quality of air around you is just as important. Poor indoor air quality can cause short and long term effects on our health and worsen preexisting health conditions. In fact, the EPA states that indoor air quality is up to five times worse than the outdoors. Whether you are distance learning or are in-school, clean air has never been more important.


With so much to prepare for, no matter what schooling you choose, WINIX has you covered. WINIX Air Purifiers capture airborne contaminants, allergens, and odors, providing those in any school setting a healthier, happier environment.